ABCiee Shuugyou Nikki, Mascot of ABC TV station gets a TV anime

ABC TV JAPAN is western Japan's largest TV broadcaster affiliated with Asahi Newspaper and TV Asahi as a core broadcast media of the Asahi Media Group. As a co-leader with Tokyo based broadcaster TV Asahi, ABC TV JAPAN is operating one of Japan's leading commercial television networks. Where ABCiee is mascot of ABC TV station.

Fanworks studio will be animating the anime. Ryōsuke Aoikeis will be directing the anime.

The anime's story centers on Abciee, an unidentified mysterious animal (like the Loch Ness Monster) who was attracted by radio waves to come to Osaka's Nakanoshima sandbank (where the real-life ABC headquarters is located) five years ago. As a new employee in the "Ebishi" TV station (a wordplay on ABC and Abciee), she struggles to improve herself with the help of friends and colleagues. 

Source - Official Website, Preview

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