Knights of Sidonia: Love Woven in the Stars Anime Film Japan Premiere Date

Knights of Sidonia is a space opera and mecha manga series by Tsutomu Nihei, serialized by Kodansha in their magazine Monthly Afternoon between April 2009 and September 2015, localized in English by Vertical. 

The series tells the story of Nagate Tanikaze, an "under-dweller" destined to become a Garde pilot, whose mission is to defend the massive starship Sidonia from a hostile alien species called Gauna. An anime television series adaptation, produced by Polygon Pictures, aired between April and June 2014 and a second season aired between April and June 2015. An anime film titled Knights of Sidonia: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi will premiere in May 14, 2021.

Scheduled for release in 2021, the film, billed as the final chapter in Nihei’s story, will feature new content from the original comic. Polygon Pictures previously produced two seasons of an anime series adaptation, Knights of Sidonia, which ran in 2014-2015.

Recently a new preview is also released for the same and synopsis is also released for the anime.

Knights of Sidonia: Love Woven in the Stars

Source - Official Website

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