Wonder Egg Priority Revealed New Preview

Wonder Egg Priority is an upcoming original Japanese anime television series animated by CloverWorks. The series is a co-production between Aniplex, NTV, and D.N. Dream Partners, and is written by Shinji Nojima, directed by Shin Wakabayashi, and features character designs by Saki Takahashi. DE DE MOUSE and Mito are composing the series' music. It will premiere on NTV and other channels on January 12, 2021.The anime released a new preview.

Synopsis -

A story of troubled girls, spun by screenwriter Shinji Nojima in the world of anime.

Led by a mysterious voice while on a midnight stroll, 14-year-old girl Ai Ooto picks up an egg. The voice coaxes her: "If you want to change the future, you only need to choose now. Now, believe in yourself and break the egg."

What awaits Ai after the breaking of the egg...

Source - Official Website

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